Tuesday, October 27, 2009

eBook readers

Reading a prediction from the Futurist update September, "ONLINE TEXTBOOK LIGHTENS BACKPACKS", I use this article to forward the trend/prediction that has been made in the past regarding eBook readers. I did view the 616pg Algebra book that the Futurist article was referring to (as a note there were several other text books available as well). The books appear to be pdf files. The eBook reader has been a fad, popular with a wider audience, for about 5 years or so, being sold in limited quantities, primarily to people that enjoy reading novels. However, the ability to read native PDF formats has been difficult if not lacking. Mainly because figures and detailed grapical content in the PDF files were not able to render to smaller eBook sizes. However, with the recent market introduction of larger 9.5" readers, that can read native PDF formats, along with the introduction of these text books in PDF format, I beleive that the eBook readers time is finally come. For me that is a happy thought. Being in school, I read many PDF articles and papers and I would finaaly like to have all of these papers in one convient light weight reading device.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I agree. However I still like having the old fashion book with paper. You can write in them and take notes. Highlight and the such. Plus what do you do when the lights go out and you cannot download the latest book or worse you get a virus. However if the future is eBooks than bigger models are required I believe. Plus I agree that all great works need to be digitized. I applaud google for taking on this task however lawyers are getting involved so whether they are successful in such an endeavor who knows.

    Not to date you but do you remeber microphish?
